Wednesday, March 10, 2010

“Psychology Prof. Christopher Peterson receives Golden Apple Award (The Michigan Daily)” plus 2 more

“Psychology Prof. Christopher Peterson receives Golden Apple Award (The Michigan Daily)” plus 2 more

Psychology Prof. Christopher Peterson receives Golden Apple Award (The Michigan Daily)

Posted: 09 Mar 2010 11:29 PM PST

Christopher Peterson, Arthur F. Thurnau Prof. of psychology, was honored with the Golden Apple Award for outstanding teaching last night at Rackham Auditorium.

Students Honoring Outstanding University Teaching presented the 20th annual award to Peterson, in conjunction with the University of Michigan Hillel and Apple Inc.

S.H.O.U.T. Chair Eytan Shtull-Leber, who spoke at the event, said the Golden Apple Award is an achievement reserved for teachers who treat each lecture as if it were their last.

Though Peterson was given the honor of delivering his ideal last lecture after winning the award, Peterson called the talk he delivered last night "The First Lecture."

"People are also pulled by the future," Peterson said. "A first lecture is necessarily one that looks ahead. It is necessarily one that takes us into the future."

David Brandon, in his second day as the University's Athletic Director, offered greetings to the crowd of about 100, and congratulated Peterson on behalf of the University.

"Our university is not only an academic institution; it is a campus that is devoted to the holistic growth of our students," Brandon said. "Great teachers like Chris Peterson are passionate about making an impact on their students' lives."

Peterson was introduced by Nansook Park, an associate professor of psychology at the University, who said Peterson had earned the nickname "Mother Theresa" in the Psychology Department because of his kindness.

"Chris is a great teacher not because he is perfect, but because he never stops trying to be a better one," Park said.

Park added that in addition to Peterson's commitment to teaching, he is one of the top 100 cited psychologists in the world.

Psychology Prof. Albert Cain also spoke before Peterson gave his lecture and said Peterson has deservedly received so many awards, adding with a laugh that the University may soon consider imposing a limit.

Peterson started his lecture by acknowledging the previous awards he has won, but said the Golden Apple Award is by far the most meaningful to him. The recipient of the Golden Apple Award is chosen from a pool of nominations made by students.

"This is not one of the prestigious awards at the University of Michigan, this is the prestige award," Peterson said.

During his lecture, Peterson said all University professors deserve apples and proceeded to throw apples to his colleagues in the audience.

Peterson, who is considered a pioneer in the field of positive psychology, said while he may be associated with positive psychology, he wouldn't talk shop during his lecture.

But Peterson did speak briefly about his area of expertise, encouraging all students to go one day without using the word "but" and all of its similes, a technique called active constructive responding.

"How we respond to good news that is given to us is what predicts our relationships better than how we respond to bad news," he said.

Peterson said though he's grateful for the award, he thinks there is a great importance in students learning from each other.

"I think it's great that you're honoring me as a teacher tonight," Peterson said. "But who are we kidding? Students will always learn more from each other than they ever will learn from their professors."

Peterson also talked about his work on the Fall 2010 LSA Theme Semester called, "What makes life worth living?" He said he hopes the semester will focus on art, music, literature, religion and, above all, service to others.

Park said one of Peterson's greatest qualities is his ability to give so much to his students, noting that he even gives advice to strangers when the two travel together to give academic speeches. When she asked him how he could give so much of himself he said it's because it's the right thing to do.

"Other people matter," Peterson repeated throughout the lecture.

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Sports and Psychology: Frozen Ropes Adopts PsychTests' ACE (Athletic Competition Evaluation) to Improve Young Athletes ... (

Posted: 10 Mar 2010 06:15 AM PST

Montreal, Canada, March 10, 2010 --( Frozen Ropes, renowned for their baseball and softball training centers and player development, and PsychTests AIM Inc., the online testing guru, announced today that they are teaming up to help develop young, aspiring athletes take their mental skills to another level. For more information, go to:

Success in sports depends a great deal on factors beyond physical talent. It is not uncommon for highly skilled players of all ages to crack under pressure or struggle with bouts of competitive anxiety, loss of focus or loss of confidence. Coaches and researchers in sports psychology are well aware that in order for an athlete to succeed, they must possess the proper physical skill and mindset.

Frozen Ropes has now added a psychological assessment, created by Psychtests, to their training curriculum. ACE (Athletic Competition Evaluation), now allows athletes and coaches to learn about players' psychological strengths, and the areas they will need to develop in order to enhance their physical performance on the field. The test assesses, among other things, an athlete's work ethic, ability to focus, parental and peer pressure, competitive anxiety and motivation issues. Assessments are developed for players as young as 10 years of age to the professional level athlete. Test results are then shared with the player and a customized mental skills training program is created by Frozen Ropes to address any weaknesses.

About Frozen Ropes
Featured in Sports Illustrated, USA Today, Newsweek, ESPN and the New York Times, Frozen Ropes is the industry leader in baseball and softball player development. Since 1988, they have worked with hundreds of college baseball and softball programs, individual athletes and professional teams in the area of player development, visual mechanics and mental skills training. Past major league clients include the New York Yankees, the Colorado Rockies, the Boston Red Sox and the New York Mets.

About PsychTests AIM Inc.
Corporate site:
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PsychTests originally appeared on the internet scene in 1997. Since its inception, it has become a pre-eminent provider of psychological assessment products and services to human resource personnel, therapists, academics, researchers and a host of other professionals around the world. PsychTests staff is comprised of a dedicated team of psychologists, test developers, researchers, statisticians, writers, and artificial intelligence experts. PsychTests was founded and is led by Dr. Ilona Jerabek, a specialist in the field of psychometric assessments and Vrat Jerabek Ph. D., a researcher and authority in the field of artificial intelligence.

PsychTests AIM Inc.
Ilona Jerabek, Ph.D., president

Frozen Ropes Training Centers
Amy Ferzoco, Multi-Media Director
Corporate Office
Chester, New York

Sales and partnership development
Tony Miglio
The Inside Mind


Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Christian Living Resources, Bible Study Tools, Jesus Christ (

Posted: 10 Mar 2010 11:27 AM PST

Recently a brief portion of the sexual identity therapy framework was attacked by Peter LaBarbera. More broadly, his criticism challenges Christians in counseling: Should a counselor who is Christian insist that clients conform to the counselor's beliefs?

LaBarbera argues that Christians in counseling should suspend neutrality and require their clients to conform to what the counselor believes. In my view, this confuses the roles of professional counselor versus pastor, respectively.  

He faults the SITF because he says counselors who practice in line with it must affirm behaviors with which they disagree. However, he misreads the intent of the SITF, and in violation of professional ethics, urges professional counselors to act as pastors. If professional counselors acted in this manner then there would be no restraints on ideological coercion from counselors. Here I respond to his contentions and point out the proper application of the SITF. 

The portion in question is here (The entire framework can be read here):

The guidelines do not stigmatize same-sex eroticism or traditional values and attitudes. The emergence of a gay identity for persons struggling with value conflicts is a possibility envisioned by the recommendations. In addition, the recommendations recognize, as do many gay and lesbian commentators, that some people who have erotic attraction to the same-sex experience excruciating conflict that cannot be resolved through the development of a GLB identity (Haldeman, 2002). Thus, for instance, some religious individuals will determine that their religious identity is the preferred organizing principle for them, even if it means choosing to live with sexual feelings they do not value. Conversely, some religious individuals will determine that their religious beliefs may become modified to allow integration of same-sex eroticism within their valued identity. We seek to provide therapy recommendations that respect these options.

First, it is important to understand that the SITF applies to professional counseling and psychotherapy and not to ministry or pastoral counseling. Often when people seek a professionally trained counselor with a graduate degree, they seek an unbiased relationship to discuss their conflicting values and feelings. This neutral stance is provided out of respect for clients' status as a free moral agent. This, I believe, is a God-given freedom and must be respected, even when the outcome is a choice which is contrary to the beliefs of the counselor. Recently, Saddleback Church pastor, Rick Warren, said it this way: 

The freedom to make moral choices is endowed by God. Since God gives us that freedom, we must protect it for all, even when we disagree with their choices. 

Consistent with this Christian view of persons, all health care codes of ethics require basic respect for the moral autonomy of clients/patients. For instance, the ethics principles of the American Medical Association as applied to psychiatrists state:

The psychiatrist should diligently guard against exploiting information furnished by the patient and should not use the unique position of power afforded him/her by the psychotherapeutic situation to influence the patient in any way not directly relevant to the treatment goals.

Health care providers can exert significant influence over patients and due to the power differential must take special care not to act coercively. This duty falls to all health care providers, Christian and non-Christian alike.

In addition, the American Counseling Association code of ethics reads:

Counselors are aware of their own values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors and avoid imposing values that are inconsistent with counseling goals. Counselors respect the diversity of clients, trainees, and research participants.

These ethics codes apply to health and mental health care providers who enter into professional contracts with clients, may be receiving reimbursement for services from third party or government payers, and are often regulated by state certifying agencies. In other words, these relationships are regulated by several state and federal laws which require sensitivity to activities which could be coercive and damaging to clients of all belief systems. Christians who are professionally trained and credentialed are not exempt from these considerations because they of their religious beliefs and loyalties. The sexual identity therapy framework was written with this professional audience in mind.

In the ethics codes and the SITF, there is provision for counselors who cannot take a neutral stance. As noted in the SITF, sensitive referral is an option:

The need for referral can arise for reasons involving therapeutic capability and value conflicts. Therapists who rarely conduct sexual identity therapy may find their knowledge and skill base challenged by the needs of some clients.

Therapists who find themselves disappointed by a client's choices or who even attempt to dissuade a client from pursuing a particular integrative course should secure consultation and consider referral. Moreover, if a therapist's value position or professional identity (e.g., gay affirming, conservative Christian) is in conflict with the client's preferred direction, the referral to a more suitable mental professional may be indicated (Haldeman, 2004). Therapists considering referral must take care to consider the therapeutic alliance and any institutional difficulties which might occur due to the referral. Referral may generate charges of discrimination and trigger legal or clinical liability exposure in certain cases (Hermann & Herlihy, 2006). When referral seems clinically appropriate, legal counsel and consultation with one's liability insurer should be considered.

Akin to the conscience clauses for medical and pharmacy professionals, the referral option acknowledges that counselors may not be able to work against their deeply held beliefs and commitments in their professional work.

Those who believe Christian counselors should be free to take a more pastoral role and direct clients should consider an implication of that perspective. Consider the case of a Christian client who seeks counseling with a moral conflict from a non-Christian counselor. Under the current codes of ethics, the counselor must be sensitive to the client's faith. However, if coercion and imposition were permitted, then the counselor would be on safe ground to recruit the client away from Christianity and to another faith or no faith.

Much of my work in recent years has been to persuade the professions that respect for religious liberty requires that the professions respect the choices of religious clients. In the area of sexual identity, this means that clients who do not affirm same-sex behavior can be supported to live in accord with their conscience. In August 2009, the American Psychological Association released a task force report which supported such religious clients.

Consistent with respect to conscience and professional ethics, Wheaton College Provost, Stanton Jones, endorsed the SITF, saying:

Throckmorton and Yarhouse have advanced a masterful synthesis of best practice in the confusing and troubled area of sexual orientation, sexual identity, and personal values.  No one should be forced toward a resolution of personal identity that violates their personal conscience; our commitment to being guided by the findings of scientific inquiry and respect for client autonomy and religious freedom should lead us toward empowering individuals to make informed choices about their lives. These guidelines are consistent with the ethical principles of the major mental health professional organizations and are superior to any other existing guidelines for practice in this area. 

In contrast, ministers are able and expected to operate with a more directive stance. Religious leaders are expected to lead and guide according to their understanding of their faith system. When people seek help from them, they expect such guidance. Often people seek the services of both counselors and clergy and each has a role to play in working toward resolution.

To sum up, the SITF is written as a guide to professionals who operate in a legal environment which is open to people of all faiths and no faith. Mr. LaBarbera's stance confuses roles and if applied to professional Christian therapists across the board would expose them to significant liability.

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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