Thursday, July 22, 2010

“Pacific University psychology professor wins National Institutes of Health grant” plus 1 more

“Pacific University psychology professor wins National Institutes of Health grant” plus 1 more

Pacific University psychology professor wins National Institutes of Health grant

Posted: 21 Jul 2010 02:27 PM PDT

Published: Wednesday, July 21, 2010, 2:03 PM     Updated: Wednesday, July 21, 2010, 2:15 PM
Pacific University School of Professional Psychology assistant professor Michael Christopher was awarded a $179,600 grant to find a better way to measure mindfulness, a key element in Buddhist meditation.

Mindfulness is used in psychology to reduce stress, help prevent depressive relapse and in dealing with addiction, among other concerns, but Christopher said he believes Western science has not found an accurate way to measure mindfulness in people.

He will use the National Institutes of Health grant during the next three years to complete a study titled, "Transcultural Mindfulness Assessment: A Mixed Methods Analysis." Christopher described mindfulness as "taking yourself off of automatic pilot and noticing things that are happening in the moment" and accepting them.

Working with a colleague in Thailand, Christopher said the study will include more than 50 interviews with Buddhist clergy in Thailand as well as different sects in the U.S. and will "cull the key elements (of mindfulness) that we see across all aspects of these different sects of Buddhism."

Based on a previous study, Christopher said he believes what psychologists use now to measure mindfulness might actually be measuring something else. Developing a better understanding of mindfulness and how to harness it will help psychologists to better use the tool with their patients.

--Wendy Owen

Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

The Psychology of Horseback Riding

Posted: 21 Jul 2010 09:02 AM PDT

Dr. Ranjan

Dr. Ranjan

My family and I have driven past Maplecrest Farm near I-77 in Brecksville at least 3 times a week for the past 4 years. Whenever we do, my daughter Isabella, now 7, and my son Aidan, now 5, never fail to get excited at the sight of horses grazing or capering around at the farm. Ever since they were about two, both of them always wanted to play "horsie" with me — so, I would get down on all fours, like a horse and they would ride me around the family room. My experience with my kids' love of horses is almost universal. There is something about horses that fascinates children. So, this year I decided to take Isabella and Aidan for horseback riding lessons.

As a prelude, I took them for a tour of Maplecrest Farm. I was greeted by the owner and trainer Meredith, who very graciously taught my kids some tidbits about horses. By the time the tour ended, I was so intrigued by the psychological underpinnings of horseback riding that I decided to take lessons myself! Now for the past 3 months, my kids and I have been taking lessons and thoroughly enjoying them.

Dr. Ranjan with horse

Dr. Ranjan with horse

So, why do children love horses?
It seems to me that the free and fast movements of a horse may appeal to children and teens. Besides, children love animals in general for a whole variety of reasons, and horses are awesome creatures — gentle, majestic and powerful.

Psychological benefits of horseback riding:
Overall sense of wellbeing: Horseback riding is a great combination of cardiovascular and muscle-strengthening exercise. As we have discussed in previous articles, regular exercise imparts various psychological benefits.

Increased self-confidence: The idea of being able to control an animal much larger than ourselves improves our self-confidence. Adding a new skill to our repertoire also increases our sense of self worth.

Decreased stress: When you engage in horseback riding, you need to focus on the nuances of the entire ritual and process. This helps take your mind off mundane worries, which in turn relieves stress.

Improved focus: For me, the most eye-opening aspects of horseback riding are the subtle details that are involved in every step of the process, from preparing the horse for the ride all the way to dismounting the horse. All of this not only requires significant focus but also helps cultivate better focus.

Improved self-discipline: The art of horse care and horseback riding is a great example of inter-species communication. Every nuance of our behavior affects the horse's behavior. Therefore, in order to be a good rider, you must cultivate the self-discipline to modulate your own behavior e.g.: smooth breathing, overall calmness, etc.

Improved patience: Horseback riding requires learning a whole new set of skills which takes time. And getting to understand the psychology of horses is a process too. So, by riding horses regularly, we can learn to be more patient which is a desirable quality.

A sense of freedom and elation: I can tell you from my own experience that being able to ride a horse, a much bigger and powerful creature, gives me a sense of elation and freedom. I know of many people who have had the same experience.

A sense of teamwork, responsibility and social networking: Working with a group of people (e.g.: trainers, fellow riders, etc.) towards the same goal teaches us the value of teamwork and responsibility.

This is especially important for children. Additionally, children enjoy the opportunity to develop a healthier social network which is less likely to lead them to troubles.

Development of respect for animals: I believe every human should show respect for our fellow animals. Horseback riding definitely makes us aware of the amazing abilities and sensibilities of horses thus creating a renewed respect for animals.

Improved risk-taking abilities: Since riding is clearly a risk sport, the process of becoming an accomplished rider teaches us how to manage potential risks judiciously.

Therapeutic riding: Horseback riding has been used since the 50's, with much success, in helping physically disabled people to improve their physical and emotional health. This is described as therapeutic riding. Emotionally disabled people are also known to benefit from therapeutic riding. For example, autistic children are known to focus better and even utter their first spoken words while on the back of a horse.

Safety comes first: Please be careful in choosing a training farm and/or a trainer. Attention to the safety of people and animals is paramount; and wearing a helmet is a must.

NextWeek: Shedding Psychological Light On Suntanning
The purpose of this article is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical or psychiatric issue. Dr. Rakesh Ranjan is a practicing psychiatrist and a researcher. He is a recipient of several research awards and has authored several peerreviewed journal articles and book chapters on psychiatric illnesses and their treatments. He is a national speaker for several organizations and serves on the medical advisory board for the NAMI of Greater Cleveland. If you or a loved one is experiencing any symptoms that would lead you to believe that there could be a mental imbalance, please email your questions to Dr. Ranjan at askthedoctor@charakresearch. com. EachWednesday, Dr. Ranjan will address some of these questions in this column. All contact info will be kept confidential. Check our recently redesigned blog at…

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Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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